Great Wall Of Badaling

Yanqing District, China, 102112 | 392 | 4.6 - Great Wall of Badaling is it open today? Here is complete information for service opening hours, location addresses, and visitor reviews on Great Wall of Badaling.

Great Wall Of Badaling on Yanqing District, China, 102112. Great Wall of Badaling is it open today? Here is complete information for service opening hours, location addresses, and visitor reviews on Great Wall of Badaling. October 2024

Great Wall Of Badaling is tourist attraction with rating 4.6 provided by visitors, "Historic place to visit." maybe you are also interested in trying to visit this place.

Route Address Great Wall Of Badaling

The following is the complete address and route directions to the location to Great Wall Of Badaling nearest, please visit at Yanqing District, China, 102112

You can use public transportation, private car or motorbike to get to the location. By following the directions on the following maps.

Contact Great Wall Of Badaling

The following is the contact or phone number for Great Wall Of Badaling, please contact via +86 10 6912 1225

Please visit the website at

Contact information for this place may be subject to change without prior notice.

Service Opening Hours Great Wall Of Badaling

Service opening hours information for Great Wall Of Badaling today is Closed ⋅ Opens 7:30 am

Operational opening hours for this place may be subject to change without prior notice.

Complete Information

Complete information for Great Wall Of Badaling as follows:

Place Information
Name : Great Wall Of Badaling
Address : Yanqing District, China, 102112
Contact (phone) : +86 10 6912 1225
Website :
Rating : 4.6 (979 ulasan)
Service Hours / Operating Hours
Monday :
Tuesday :
Wednesday :
Thursday :
Friday :
Saturday :
Sunday :
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